Art of Public Speaking - Finale 2023 Q4
Speaker(s): Seshu Karthick
Included lessons: 1About live session
This is the Finale of the 5-week LIVE Bootcamp for teens to deliver their TED-styled Talks. This is executed in collaboration with TED-Ed for school students in classes 7 - 12.
What you'll learn
Learn how to deliver impactful speeches on stage - Produce Fresh ideas, communicate effectively, and present stage Talks.
✅ Generate fresh ideas that are worth sharing
Learn to identify the elements of a great idea
✅ Give & receive feedback the right way
Give and receive meaningful feedback on each other’s ideas
✅ Research those ideas effectively
Research, develop and craft own ideas into spoken narratives
✅ Craft compelling speeches
Acquire the skills to persuade and influence your audience
✅ Build Effective Presentations
Learn the art of storytelling with visually effective slides
✅ Master the Art of Public Speaking
Learn effective techniques for engaging with an audience
✅ Public Speaking Etiquette
Show professionalism with adaptive approach
✅ Present confidently in-front of audience
Gain confidence to share ideas on stage with the community
Included lessons
Public Speaking for Teens Bundle
This bundle includes։
Courses։ 1 / Lessons: 1
₹ 499 ₹ 9998